Welcome to my world!

I am so excited to have you on my new site. This is going to be very different from my “Resolved Self” website, which is my online business platform. Here I won’t be selling you anything, offering advice through my blog posts, or even giving away free gifts.

Here is where I can express myself as a person, and I am happy to share my special moments with you. I will be posting regularly, but once a week I will give you the highlights of my best experiences. I will tell you about meals I have made or have eaten at restaurants, beautiful things I have seen or heard (often with photos if possible) and just let you in on how I find peace and joy in my daily life.

I will not tell you that you must do the same as me to find your own contentment; I am merely a guide. If you find what I post inspirational, marvelous! Having said that, some of the things that put a huge smile on my face might just might you go “yikes!” For example, a few years ago I had an encounter with what you might call a creepy crawly critter. This little fella found its way onto our table when were eating al fresco at one of our favorite restaurants. As you will soon learn, I love all living things, even the scary looking ones. Anyway, as fascinated as I was by this six-legged friend, I didn’t want him on my table when I was eating. Being the biologist that I am, I knew that if I annoyed him, he might very well defend himself by biting me (yes, this was a true bug with a stabbing proboscis) so I knew he belonged on the ground.

I carefully got him onto my napkin, and stealthily place him in the grass. The next part I swear is the truth; he climbed up the leg of my chair and walked onto my armrest and stared at me! Weird, huh? I figured he didn’t like being in the grass, so I picked him back up with my napkin and proceeded to carry him over to some plants that we against the wall of the garden. That seem to satisfy him and we parted as friends.

Lucky for you, I did snap a picture of said critter:

Yes, he is intimidating, but he did put a smile on my face. For nerds like me, this was pretty darn cool.

I promise that not all my pictures will be of scary insects. I shared this with you because I want you to understand my way of thinking about things. I find beauty in just about everything. I have found if you focus on the beautiful, the ugly parts of life get a little easier. You might find it works for you if you just look around you and become aware of the good things that are part of your day. It could be something as simple as seeing a butterfly or catching a glimpse of a brightly colored bird. It doesn’t really matter what it is, as long as it makes you feel good.

I hope you will come back often to my blog. I will try my very best to make it interesting.

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